Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Blog Post 10/19-10/25

 Over the course of this I had spent some time working on two objects. While that may not seem like much what was tough about them was their complex shapes, especially the bag. I personally love creating little objects and these two things were fun to make and I like how they turned out. The second object needs some final touches but overall its got the idea. The bag was the tougher one out of these two since it had a lot of different things going on. When I create objects like these I have to shape them from a cube so trying to give it that bag look was a bit tough. After shaping it though I attempted to add the detail of that top flap on the top of the bag and it was a bit rough but I feel it looks nice in the end. The mouth was the other toughest part since if I wasn't carful there would be a bunch of mesh problems of faces stacking on top of each other but I eventually got it. Even though it looks like it can open I had to make a separate open version just because I couldn't really process how it could open without it breaking or looking very off. The gun on the other hand was a different challenge, I had to extrude a circle and just pull the sides of it until it took the shape of what it was actually supposed to look like. I need some finishing touches such as the handle but other than that it's got everything it needs. Overall I think I may attempt to make some more objects in the fantasy category as I thoroughly do enjoy creating them and love how they look in the end.

Monday-Brainstormed on ideas to work on

Tuesday-Started Magic Bag

Wednesday-Cleaned up/Finished Bag

Thursday-Look at other items from this tv show

Friday-Started Gun


Blog Post 10/12-10/18

 Over that course of that week I had worked on the CVTV Halloween set and overall it was a fun overall to create the set. I had to refresh on some things I haven't used in a while such as UV maps with the one ghost in the cam two shot to give it that gradient effect on his head. Another challenge was creating the pumpkins that were used in these images. At first I just thought I extrude the outside of a sphere but it turned out pumpkins were a bit more complicated that I had first thought. Overall though I got it and then went to work on their faces. I had looked up just pumpkin face lists and used Bezier curves to create them and then I used the knife project tool to cut them onto the pumpkins and then I pushed the cut spaces in and put a black background so they stood out. Other than that the final hurdle was the scarecrow it wasn't that hard just took a bit of time and turned out alright. I attempted to have hay stick out of him but that didn't turn out that well so I scrapped it. Overall I enjoyed it and plan to work on the one for the next holiday once I find out what is coming up next.



Wednesday-Start work on/finish pumpkins attempt to start faces

Thursday-Finish up faces and and apply them to pumpkins and place them and start ghosts

Friday- Create scarecrow and finish ghosts and apply faces to ghosts

Saturday-Finish and clean up details

Sunday-Turn in

Psychology of Shot

    Lots of films play with the idea of playing with the audiences emotions, they get you invested and get you to feel certain ways during certain parts of the film. This is something that we are trying to implement into our documentaries. For me I don't really understand "detailed shots" so I will be discussing camera angles I will be using in my documentary. One camera angle I plan to use is low camera angles. I plan to mainly use this on the school building itself. This type of angle can portray a type of importance or size which is how I want to portray the school as a very important piece that can seem daunting to new students entering high school. For the interviews I feel the best way to portray them is with a eye-level view of the subject as they are being interviewed for a feeling of being in the conversation itself, perhaps some over the shoulder shots as well to really give that feeling that you're there really listening to this conversation of what they are describing. I definitely want to grasp just how huge the school is so with the low camera angles onto the school I also plan to use some wide angle views and establishing shots of the entirety of the high school or the best I can get of the entirety of it. I really just want to convey that the high school is portrayed as this huge mountain that you have to climb and get over to continue with your plans in life. But besides how a shot looks itself what can also affect the is the color of the shots themselves. Color is very important and depending on how its used can portray many different emotions in many different ways. While I may not be able to affect the color in most shots until I get to editing there are some ways I can affect it. I can decide to record at certain times such as if I wanted to portray a certain feeling with shots of the school by recording either during the morning/evening or night since each of those times during the day have different colors spectrums. In post editing I can also use filters to drown or saturate colors I can use this to add a stronger feelings to certain shots and really make them pop out compared to other parts of the film. Besides these two things what also impacts a scene is what's in the scenes themselves. A cluttered scene can feel claustrophobic or a feeling of urgency while an empty scene can portray a lot of things depending on what else is in the scene, like an empty scene can change depending on the colors that are being used in the same scene. Overall I will be thinking about all of these points and how I can use them in my own documentary to my best ability to create a fairly well documentary that effectively portrays different emotions.

Documentary Film Success

 Creating a documentary is no easy task, there is a lot that goes into it and a lot you should think about when creating one. Of course one of the important parts of making a documentary is deciding what you should make your documentary about. Having a topic that you're interested and invested is what you should go for so you feel inclined to work on it rather than seeing it as a chore. Another important point is what is available to you, if try to be too ambitious your going to have more struggles than successes. Try to make sure that your idea of what you want to create is possible with what you have available to you. When you figure out what is available to you, you should then figure out what would be most visually interesting. You should take a look of all your concepts for the documentary and see what "clicks".

    Now besides coming up with ideas for your documentary you need to gear up to create it. Thankfully, for this project the school provides the technology and accessories for us to use. For camera options we have the DSLRs and other high end camera. While the high end camera will most likely produce a better quality the DSLRs will most likely be the ones that are used just for more convenience. Besides what thinking about what you should record with there are two other things you should think about when recording, lighting and sound. For sound we have the options of a shotgun mic and a lavalier mic. Depending on the situation depends which microphone you should use. If you're just doing one on one interviews you should just use a lavalier since it will capture the best audio for things like that, while shotgun should really be used for general sounds that fill the whole room like a crowd or something like that. You could also use a boom mic but in my scenario I doubt that will be utilized much.

    After figuring out the ideas and tools you'll need for you documentary you will get to filming, and there are typically two sections to filming the interviews and the B-roll. Now the most important thing for filming interviews is actually be able to record them. Now that sounds redundant but if you don't plan accordingly and they are a busy person you could be wasting so much time just trying to be able to record this one person. Now when you do get to record them there are two things you should keep in mind is try to make sure your subject is comfortable and  to avoid yes and no questions. The importance of making the person you're filming comfortable is typically makes the whole thing easier. If you talk with them a bit before starting you can see what kind of person they are and think ahead to what kind of questions you should ask. On that topic when you do ask the questions, it's important to avoid just simple yes and no questions, nothing about questions like that is entertaining. You should treat it like a normal conversation and just ask questions that are open ended so it gives you something you can actually use. Now if you just had footage of interviews that wouldn't be that entertaining so you will also want to record some B-roll. If the viewers were just looking at the interviewers that could get kind of boring, which is where the B-roll footage comes in. Narrative shots a common B-roll footage used in documentaries and are shots that cover what the subject is talking about or the subject themselves in a scenario. Besides that you have exposition shots that can describe who/what/where/when of what the subject is talking about during the interview.

    Finally when you get through all these steps you'll have to go through editing all your footage together into one video. This will typically take the longest and there are some thing that you should keep in mind when you start editing all your footage together. With the sheer amount of footage you'll be gathering you will want to organize all of your footage and audio, if you don't you will most likely end up with a mess not being able to find what your looking for. You will also want to create sequences for each individual interview that have all the pertaining footage. That way you will have an easier time at putting them together on a longer timeline later. Another very important tip is to back up everything. If you don't and some kind of problem comes along which messes with your footage you'll have to start back from square one, which could but a loss of many spent hours you can't get back. Finally with editing another key thing you should think about is music. Music is very key to setting the tone of your documentary, when you think about what kind of tone you want your documentary to portray you should find music that complements your tone. However before you fill your entire documentary with music you can also have parts that just have no music at all. Depending on the situation it may be more impactful not have music included at all, but it depends on the situation in the film for you to decide. Overall these are the important tips you should keep in mind when you are creating a documentary as all of these ideas are key to creating a entertaining and fulfilling documentary.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Film September 28th - October 4th Blog

For me the theme that I want to work my documentary around is Looking Inward: The Human Experience. It's personally the one I can understand most on how to make a documentary with than say "The Sacred Realm" or "Politics and the social order". The idea I planned to make the documentary around was the student experience and their view on the school through their high school life. While I may not know how I want to specifically film this for the documentary it's the main idea I want to work with. Such as movies similar to "Mad Max" which explore how humans deal with an apocalypse scenario or being put into a completely different scenario then what were used to dealing with. Or I feel horror movies are a great example with movies such as "IT" or "Friday The 13th"where it shows how we deal with things that terrify us in places that we may be normally comfortable with. But overall I just have to figure out how this theme can be turned into the documentary well.

It Chapter Two – Rio Theatre

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - IMDb

September 28th - October 4th

 For my fantasy theme I was planning to start with a viewpoint from inside a home. The idea would be that your perspective would be from a desk looking outside the house window into the town down below the road (with maybe a festival or something of the sort). I'm experimenting with the idea and what I can add to it to give it that more fantasy feeling, I'll have to spitball some ideas around as I jot more how I want it in the end but I can start a very rough area of how I want the camera positioned in blender and how it's gonna be visible.

Late Blogpost 2

Semi-recently I had attempted to enter a contest to be an accessory creator. The task was to create two accessories that took up two differe...