Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Late Blogpost 2

Semi-recently I had attempted to enter a contest to be an accessory creator. The task was to create two accessories that took up two different slots such as Hat, Face, Front, Waist etc.. It's an event that only comes around a now and then and they have a lot of people who try to enter, and it's something I was highly interested in so I decided to throw my hat into the ring. The two ideas I personally came up with was a Earth themed top hat and cracked mask with a scary looking face. I immediately went to work when I saw the event came around and started grabbing my pictures to put my idea together. Overall I feel they turned out pretty well, I think I could have fooled around with the mask idea some more and create something better but it turned out alright. I had received an email a good while later informing me that I did not get picked, they mentioned nothing about the models, but the lack of creating a portfolio on their website and things related to that. I plan to take extra carful steps next time it rolls around and see if I can challenge myself to creating some things that are even better and hopefully get accepted in

Earth Top Hat

Cracked Mask


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Late Blogpost 2

Semi-recently I had attempted to enter a contest to be an accessory creator. The task was to create two accessories that took up two differe...