Intention Definition & Exploration Ideas
Throughout the seconded marking period I tended to expand a bit from my main goal. My main idea was to work on a story with the theme chosen by destiny. For this story I wanted to create a antagonist that was a representation of chaos and trickery. Besides working on the story in bits I worked on some other little projects. I also worked on some set making for cvtv and tried to experiment on how to represent the holiday that I worked on. The other final thing I worked on was 3D printing. I wanted to continue what I worked on my first year which was creating a deck box using the 3D printer.
Over the second marking period I made a rough storyboard of the story is subject to change but just a rough draft of what I think of at the moment. There are still characters that need to be made and the setting still also needs to be created but overall it's coming together slowly but nicely. For the way I planned to make sets was I wrote down the main idea of what it was with points under it of what should be included in it. Finally for the 3D box all that is left is just some tweaking to measurements since parts of it would not connect properly to each other.
During the marking period I worked on parts of the story which can be seen below. I was able to work on the main antagonist(The red character), a monster and the protagonist's weapon. While I don't have the picture I also created the first version of the 3D printed box. It turned out a lot smaller than expected so I learned I had to print the top and actual box itself seperately. I also worked on a version of the set for valentine. Even though after some work on it I realized I did not need to make it so I just worked on it for practice.
How I felt over this marking period is better than the last one. I was able to accomplish a lot more than the first I feel happy about that. But like last marking period I feel like I could still improve on time management with working on these things. For me it's just a bad habit I really wish to improve on by designating time for the story and the other parts. Overall I felt like I improved compared to last marking period with modeling but I still want to improve more.
Since I have moved on to blender 2.8 there are a lot of new features for me to take advantage of such as it's new rendering engine which makes rendering a lot better and more managable compared to its previous versions. However there are still many features I still haven't messed with that I feel if I took advantage of I could really improve my modeling with it.