Sunday, November 10, 2019

Investigation 4

Over the course of this school week I started working on planning and creating the medieval town that the story will take place in. I found an interesting way to do this with a website I found that is called Medieval Town Generator. That toughest part that im fearing im gonna have with this is it looking like it's actually in medieval times. I've been looking at other websites and references for the style that was used back then when they would create structures. From what I've seen they even have different styles depending on where they are located from little villages to castle towns. I plan for the setting to be a little town which will have less buildings but let me put more detail into them. One major concern for me is how I detail my work. Over the course of the summer and the beginning of the school year a lot of my work, to me, doesn't seemed to have the detail level of say the tutorial that I looked at below. So if I try to put major detail into buildings but have a tough time with doing so with characters it's going to look off. So I hope to strike some kind of balance between the two.


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