Monday, October 21, 2019

Text and Image Investigation

Text and Image is a very important part of art. We use it in almost all of art and comes in many shapes and forms. Some artists go around the world just to express their text and image and each one chooses their specific way they want to express this. One of these artists who uses a unique way to express this is the artist Banksy. Banksy isn't really a artist who is known for their paintings or sculptures, rather he is known for his street art. It's not like hes lost relevance over the years either, his art is still strong with him putting his art all over the world.

Image result for Banksy

His art is heavy on image which can make them pretty recognizable. However since it is street art it is considered by the government as graffiti so it will usually not have a long life span,especially if it is in a popular area. While he mainly does just imaged based works he may also leave a message with his work relating to it in some way. With these works he never tells or explains the meaning of what he means with these, but rather lets the viewer decide on what they think it means. An example of this is of the picture below. Last year in January he made this work on the permanently raised bridge on Scoot Street in the Wincolmlee area of the city. He posted this work not long after people found it and many wondered what this was supposed to mean. Many people speculated is had to do with the Brexit situation at the time but they were never given a clear answer. Overall when Banksy uses text and image he mostly uses the image part of that where he makes a very detailed art that brings intrigue to those who come across it.

A close-up of the design
From Banksy's work I've learned a few things on how you can use text and image in your art. You don't have to give a clear statement as what it should be but rather what you think it should mean/stand for. That you can make intriguing art that doesn't give you all the pieces but still compel people to be interested in what you do and how you do it. I feel a lot of contemporary art uses this kind of idea. When you look at a lot of professional being created,to me at least, you aren't really told a lot about it, but are given a feeling about what you think it means. Of course each contemporary artwork that you come across can be different than the previous in more ways in one but they all come down to an idea that they are trying to convey one way or another.

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