Monday, March 30, 2020

End of MP3 Blog Post

                                                      Intention Definition & Exploration Ideas
Throughout the third marking period I did a lot testing with new ideas and what I felt I wanted to do with my work. I worked on a good bit of little projects that interested me such as weapon making and working on some things for friends besides the story I am working on. I have also decided how I want to take my work with my main of idea of chosen by destiny. I plan to make sort of scenes from the ideas I have instead of an animation and see how that kind of thing turn out. With that kind of idea I can put more effort into the whole scenes themselves instead of throughout a whole animation where I struggle and don't like the work I output. I had also a little project given to me by Mr. Bomboy himself with creating a 3D model of a plexi glass case to help with the creating of my card box.

For me this marking period was a lot of jumping around to different idea from little personal projects to the main work. Besides planning the creation of a CVTV March scene there was not a lot of planning onto what I would move onto next after working on something.

There was a lot of different things I worked on and looking back it I am glad how they turned out from little characters to different types of weapons. Over the marking period I went over with a friend on how he makes weapons and he taught me his style on how he does it. With that knowledge I attempted at making some works of what I was interested in. I worked in a lot of different areas from fiction and non-fiction and enjoyed working on each one I completed. Besides making some stuff for just in the software I also worked on making a case that would hold multiple glass pieces and make a image and 3D printing it out. I was real proud of the end product as it worked and the pieces fit like a glove in the case.


Over this marking period I have definitely felt like I have accomplished more than the previous one with the work I reflect back on. I definitely stretched out into multiple different area with what the different things I worked on and even though it was nice I definitely plan to focus more on the story mainly during the 4th marking period. Compared to the start of this marking period I feel a lot more comfortable with the new blender and even prefer it now over the previous version now that I know what im doing. 

I have definitely been applying what I am learning into my work to better it and better myself with how I create my work. These weapons are a great example of that as I take what I learned and use it to create these things that I can be proud of making. Blender 2.8 also has all these new features that make my work look better and I've been trying to take advantage of that when creating things such as the golden sword to make my work look better. Overall I plan to continue growing and learning as I enter this fourth marking period and hope to create some awesome work at the end of this school year that I can be really proud of.

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