Sunday, February 9, 2020

Investigation 10

Over the course of the week I started working on two models. One is another weapon which is in the shape of a scythe, the other a humanoid model which will end up being the main character. I started the week with working on the scythe which definitely challenged me with how I had to make it. It had a part of it which layered over the lower part but also connected to the scythe so it was a bit hard to get that look to happen into the weapon itself. After the weapon was finished I then tried to work on the main character. When I usually make character I end up making them out of separate parts and joining them together, so for this one I tried to make it all out of one cube which I feel turned out very well. So far with the character im finishing his upper half and then attempt to start with the shoes so they just don't look like stubs. I plan to do hair for the character but I don't know how I plan to tackle this problem yet. I plan to also give him some kind of contrasting effect to the demon antagonist so you can tell they are meant to interact in some sort of way. Over the next week I plan to continue working on the main character and get his body finish so I can work on creating a face and hair for him.

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