Sunday, November 24, 2019

Investigation 6

Over the course of this week I did some basic weapon works for the basic enemies. They are just different versions of each one and the basic enemies will just have different color differences of these types of swords. These swords are based of katanas with each one having a different theme to them. Also mid-way through the week I was forced into the use of the new blender 2.8 which while it may be better, will take some time to get used to. I definitely want to use some new features of blender 2.8 such as its new real time rendering system to make some better looking work with details and such. I have also been recommended by Mr. Bomboy to look at a tutorial series created by a youtuber known as CG Boost who goes into detail and explains features about Blender 2.8 to people new to blender and old blender fans coming back. So far I definitely can see the appeal of the new blender 2.8 just for me however it will definitely take some time adjusting to new controls and the many slew of new features that blender 2.8 offers.



Sunday, November 17, 2019

Investigation 5

Over the course of the week I started to create some components of the story. One character I started working on creating was the main antagonist. I wanted to design this character as a devil of sorts. I wanted to give him a sort of classy look as of like a rich man. The main idea of this character is that the main character makes a deal with him which ends up turning bad very fast wreaking havoc on the village he tried to make better with his deal. Overall his character design is done but I don't know what im going to do with his face or how it should look so I decided im going to come back to that after doing more work on other parts. After finishing the antagonist's design I started working on the main weapon of story. I used a reference for the main design of the blade because I liked the look of it and I wanted it to look like it. The reference image I used had the blade as a very stony like texture to it so after creating the model for it I wan't to see if I can replicate that style it had to it. After I finish working on the sword I plan to work on the main character and see if I can get a design for him and create him so I can move onto the next course of this creation.


Sunday, November 10, 2019

Investigation 4

Over the course of this school week I started working on planning and creating the medieval town that the story will take place in. I found an interesting way to do this with a website I found that is called Medieval Town Generator. That toughest part that im fearing im gonna have with this is it looking like it's actually in medieval times. I've been looking at other websites and references for the style that was used back then when they would create structures. From what I've seen they even have different styles depending on where they are located from little villages to castle towns. I plan for the setting to be a little town which will have less buildings but let me put more detail into them. One major concern for me is how I detail my work. Over the course of the summer and the beginning of the school year a lot of my work, to me, doesn't seemed to have the detail level of say the tutorial that I looked at below. So if I try to put major detail into buildings but have a tough time with doing so with characters it's going to look off. So I hope to strike some kind of balance between the two.


Late Blogpost 2

Semi-recently I had attempted to enter a contest to be an accessory creator. The task was to create two accessories that took up two differe...