Sunday, May 3, 2020

(Home) Investigation 15

During this week I have taken the time to work on the same idea I have been doing but with another character. This time I have attempted to recreate the one called "Juggernoid" and overall im happy how it turned out. Making it was overall mostly enjoyable and really enjoy the end product. After the creation of the object itself I put it into the six colors the show uses and to me looks really well in each color combination. After finishing this guy i've taken attempts to starting the next one which is praying mantis like and the head has been giving me some trouble. Whats been harder for this new one is that since I don't own the physical version of this new one unlike the turtle one I just have to base all my work on references. Doing so the head has been a bit rough so I'll have to look at some more references with multiples different views so I can make it with me being happy how it turns out in the end. Hopefully im happy with it the next time I do a investigation next week.

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