Thursday, January 21, 2021

Senior End of MP 2 Blog Post

  Intention Definition & Exploration Ideas

Throughout this marking period I have been mainly been doing two things which have been making sets for CVTV and working on little models for a game I have been working on with friends. There has not really been a theme that I have been working with but just creating things that related to either CVTV or the game, not really any personal work.


The way that planning has gone throughout this marking period is that either Mr. Bomboy would let me know of an upcoming set that needed to be done or I would refer to my friends on what they needed me to make. Besides that there wasn't really anything I had plan to work on my own or something like that.


For this marking period this is what I have done so far, a few objects and a few sets. Each set for CVTV is themed around either a holiday or some special events so that it can be used again in the future instead of creating something every year. Even though this is what I have so far, there are still more to come with more upcoming holidays such as Valentines day and Easter.


Over this marking period I felt I did pretty good on creating these sets and liked how they turned out in the end. Sometimes it can be a bit tough coming up for ideas on what to put in these sets, but otherwise I should like how upcoming sets turn out if I can brainstorm some good ideas. With the little objects, they turned out well enough, but I want to practice some more in making them. Items like the bag was something I was cornered about thinking about making since it was made in a kind of different way. Overall though there is always more room for improvement.


As I work more in creating things from a base cube I understand more of how some things should be made. Such as I was working on a bike model and as I was working I was wondering on how they actually work, since it needed to be animated once it was done so it had to have all the parts a bike should have, such as how the wheels move around the poles they are connected to. I find it neat when I'm working on stuff like that, since it really gets me thinking on how an object is really supposed to look.

Late Blogpost 2

Semi-recently I had attempted to enter a contest to be an accessory creator. The task was to create two accessories that took up two differe...