Friday, September 29, 2017

Lighthouse Camera Angles

Long Shot/Repitition:Verticle
This camera angle shows the lighthouse in the distance. If this would be a movie this would represent the location a part of the movie would take place in, such as Harry Potter.  The Lighthouse with its vertical design has plenty of vertical lines made up with it.

Medium Shot/Repition:Horizontal
This camera angle is similar to the Long shot except unlike it its distance is closer with a more detailed view of the object. Not only is this angle have vertical repetition but also horizontal repetition with the lines from the light in a horizontal manner with also the platform on the lighthouse the same way.

This shot represents a view from a worm's perspective with the camera angle being so low to the ground. This image has a informal balance with the lighthouse being a big tower on the right and the light beings smaller than the lighthouse.


This image is to represent a perspective from a avian creature up in the sky above the lighthouse. Not only is this a bird's perspective but its also a Informal balance. The center of attention is off in the right with the land taking up the center space making it imbalance.

CloseUp/Formal Balance

This angle is close perspective to the lighthouse. The angle here is formal balanced image. The glass sides and the platform are in a even balance with the light taking up the center stage.


This angle is a extreme closeup of the image before this one. This angle has Emphasis into with leading lines. All the lines the light is giving off lead all into the center showing the light in the center as the main viewpoint.

EyeLevel/Formal Balance

This angle is on a same eye level as the light inside the lighthouse. This angle has formal balance integrated into it. If this image of the lighthouse were cut in have you would have the same amount of lighthouse on each side.


This angle is the perspective of a person standing on the platform staring out at the light. This image represents Horizontal Repetition with the horizon being a horizontal line and the light has horizontal lines leading to the light.


This angle is to represent a view over the shoulder of the lighthouse. The image itself represents a lot of repetition with its curved lines everywhere. The light itself is a circle with its curved line and the land has all its curved lines from the shore to the water.

If i were to repeat doing this project again I would probably work on some better shots with more detail into the angles. I would also try to look up more sophisticated words

Monday, September 18, 2017

Camera Angles Project

Establishing shot- A establishing shot is usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place.
Image result for Establishing shot
Long Shot-A long shot typically shows the entire object and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surrounding.
Image result for long shot
Medium Shot-A medium shot is a camera angle shot from a medium distance.
Image result for medium shot
Eye Level Shot-A camera shot at a persons eye level.
Image result for Eye level shot
Shoot a Close Up Shot-A close up shot is a type of shot which tightly frames a person or an object.
Image result for Close up shot
Birds Eye Shot-A bird's view is an elevated view of an object from above with a perspective as thought the observer were a bird.
Image result for Birds eye shot
Worms Eye Shot-A worm's eye shot is a view of an object from below as though the observer were a worm.
Image result for Worm eye shot
Extreme Close Up Shot- A Extreme close up shot is a shot so tight that only a detail of the subject such as eyes can only be seen.
Image result for Extreme close up shot
Reaction Shot- A Reaction Shot is a portrayal of a person's response to an event or to a statement made by another.
Image result for Reaction shot
Point of View Shot- A point of view shot is a short film scene that shows what a character is looking at.
Image result for Point of view shot
Over the Shoulder Shot- A over the shoulder shot is a shot of someone or something taken from the perspective or angel from the shoulder.
Image result for Over the shoulder shot

Late Blogpost 2

Semi-recently I had attempted to enter a contest to be an accessory creator. The task was to create two accessories that took up two differe...